
What are Child Development Centers?

Child development centers are essentially a resource center containing several rooms where specialists work with children to engage and develop any delays they may have in terms of physical, communication, sensory, emotional or learning difficulties.


Why is it important?

Often children with developmental delays in their milestones (whether physical, speech and language or cognitive milestones) require observing and monitoring to ensure that the right methods are used to get them on their way to recovery. It is important to be aware that while child development usually has foreseeable sequences and an organized way to ‘go about’ the whole process, it is also important to note that each child develops uniquely, often exhibiting talent from various fields in their developmental journey.

Problems in Child Development:

Problems in Child Development can arise due to several reasons, not limited to:

  • Genetics
  • Pre-natal circumstances
  • Medical Factors
  • Lack of exposure to helpful stimuli at the right age for a child.

Rehaab Roots and its Association with Child Development Center

Our specialists at Rehaab Roots offer our support to the child and their families to tackle, experience and overcome these delayed developmental milestones. Our center taps into the full potential of a child in a wide range of areas of development which also include:

  • Cognition – the ability to solve problems and learn using heuristics and other cognitive mechanisms.
  • Social interaction – interacting with others
  • Emotional Regulation – regulation and mastering of varied emotional states of being.
  • Speech and Language – understanding and using language through reading and communicating.
  • Physical skill development – from finessing the art of holding a pen to allowing your body to stand and guide your movements, fine and gross motor skill development is addressed.
  • Sensory awareness and integration – through the interaction of the brain with the five senses in our body (seeing, hearing, taste, smell and texture), a child will grasp and learn to be aware of his/her surroundings through the controlled input received, through precision training,

Process of Child Development

Children with developmental delays are assisted with the help of multiple skills that develop simultaneously, they may then be benefitted by consulting multiple professionals in the field which are not restricted to:

  • Psychologists (Developmental)
  • Speech and Language Pathologists
  • Pediatrician
  • Occupational Therapists
  • Physiotherapists

Rehaab Roots ensures to make every child and their family’s everyday life easier to live with fulfilment. The advantage with Rehaab Roots is that the child can avail all the required support under one roof. Rehaab Roots offers the support of pediatricians, physiotherapists and other required professionals to manifest into and help the child to progress better. Parents are well informed about their child’s development. Additionally, parents have liberty to choose what they want for their child.

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