
What is Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a process of screening and treating the communication issues and its related speech disorders. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs), often known as speech therapists, execute the procedure. Speech therapy is usually required for children with speech abnormalities or for adults who have speech difficulty that has been caused by an injury or disease, such as a stroke or brain injury.

Speech therapy is a method that involve individuals to develop speech and language skills. It helps individuals to improve their communication (social) skills and to overcome problems related to speech and language disorders. It helps individuals to produce certain sounds which they find it difficult to pronounce. It is given one to one depending on the type of disorder and severity.

Speech therapy is a type of intervention that aims to improve a child’s speech as well as their ability to interpret and express language, including nonverbal communication. These services are provided by speech therapists, sometimes known as speech and language pathologists (SLPs). There are two parts to speech therapy: 1) coordinating the mouth to generate sounds to form words and sentences (to address articulation, fluency, and voice volume regulation); and 2) comprehending and expressing language (to address language usage in written, pictorial, body, and sign forms, as well as language use in alternative forms).

Speech Therapy Centre In Hyderabad

Speech therapy can play a very vital role in improving the quality of life for kids, children and adults, so they can improve their communication level effectively and efficiently. Experienced pathologists at Rehaabroots have experience in treating a wide range of issues that impact speech, language, cognition, and swallowing (Dysphagia) in people of all ages.

By delivering the highest possible therapeutic services, we at Rehaabroots are on a mission to empower children, adolescents, and adults to have a better lifestyle. A speech problem affects one out of every ten children, no matter how little. Pathologists at Rehaabroots can assist you with any type of speech problem you may have.

We at Rehaabroots boast the best and most experienced pathologists in the country, and we stand by all of our speech solutions 100 percent. We are a family-owned and operated business and our therapists are dedicated to meet each child’s needs. Our pathologists and therapists use a various  speech and language intervention strategies to ail the person from such deformities. To guarantee that our programmes have a long-term positive impact, we work closely with their families.

Why Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is crucial to an individual’s overall development especially when they have autism spectrum disorder or any other disability. It boosts overall communication, social skills, and the ability to cope with society and function in daily life. The development of literacy is dependent on phonemic and phonological awareness, which is aided by sound awareness.

Speech therapy can help in treating various speech and language-related disorders, some of them are:

Articulation disorder– The inability to appropriately create specific word sounds is known as articulation dysfunction. This speech problem causes a youngster to drop, switch, distort, or add word speech sound to a word. Saying “thith” instead of “this” is an example of word distortion.

Fluency disorder– The flow, pace, and rhythm of speaking are all affected by a fluency issue. Fluency problem include stuttering and cluttering. A person who stutters has difficulty making a sound, and their speech may be hindered or halted, or they may repeat parts of a word. Cluttered person tend to speak quickly and mash words together.

Receptive disorder– Receptive language impairment affects a person’s ability to understand and absorb what others say. When someone speaks, you may appear inattentive, have difficulty following orders, or have a restricted vocabulary. A receptive language issue can be caused by other language disorders, autism, hearing loss, or a brain injury.

Best Speech Therapist Hyderabad

Some more reasons why a person should opt for speech therapy:

  • Through efficient communication, we can improve our quality of life.
  • When it comes to resolving a speech or language impairment, early intervention is ideal.
  • Children’s speech should be understood by unknown adults more than 90% of the time by junior/senior kindergarten.
  • Teased children are more likely to have self-esteem difficulties, which can hinder their social and academic participation.
  • Swallowing and feeding abnormalities are assessed and treated.
  • Treatment for regaining speech and swallowing function after a stroke or brain injury.

Who is called as Speech Therapist?

Speech therapists or SLP’s are professionals where they carry out detail assessment and provide management for children and adults (any age group) having speech, language, communication, cognition, feeding and swallowing disorders. They help individuals to have smooth flow of speech while communicating to each other. They use specific therapy techniques depending on individual’s diagnosis. They counsel regarding the disorder and severity to the family members for helping the individual to improve their social skills.

Role of an SLP :

  • As SLP’s works in various setups like Schools, Hospitals, Clinics, health care centers etc., they provide service regarding awareness, screening, and management for all related disorders in children and adults.
  • Helps to prevent further complications of these disorders.
  • Gives counseling to parents, family members, caregivers etc., regarding the disorder and severity of the disorder related to speech and language disorders.
  • Prepares therapy plan for individual before attending the speech therapy session.
  • Explains parents regarding the child’s diagnosis and what steps should be followed to reduce the severity

SLP works on children and adult having different disorders like:


  • Autism.
  • Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD)
  • Cerebral Palsy.
  • Cleft lip and Palate. (Unilateral or Bilateral)
  • Child with Hearing loss/ Cochlear implant (AVT).
  • Dysarthria.
  • Dyslexia (Learning disability).
  • Specific Language Impairment.
  • Intellectual Disability.
  • Syndromic children with speech and language delay.


  • Fluency Disorders. (Stuttering/ Stammering & Cluttering).
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech
  • Articulation Disorders. (Substitution, Omission, Distortion & Addition).
  • Voice & its related disorders. (Puberphonia, Androphonia, Hoarseness, Harshness Professional Voice users).
  • SLP uses Standardized assessment Protocol for assessing and specific therapeutic interventions for all these above disorders.

Causes of speech and language disorders

  • Genetic.
  • Family history of speech and language disorder.
  • Hearing loss.
  • Natal history.
  • Head trauma.
  • Muscle weakness.
  • Neurological conditions: Degenerative diseases like Parkinson’s disease, Huntington’s disease, or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
  • Dementia.

Why to consult an SLP?

For children:

  • If your child is having speech and language disorder, and you ignore it without consulting an SLP then the problem increases in severity or child may acquire secondary behaviors.
  • If you find that your child is lacking socialization with peer group or family members or if your
    child is finding difficulty in reading, writing, cognition, deviant developmental milestones, feeding issues, poor in academics, having poor memory or

keeps drooling. If your child is unable to produce certain speech sounds or you feel that the speech of your child is not age appropriate.

  • If you notice that your child is having poor attention span, eye contact and concertation.

For adults:
If you think that your rate of speech is too slow or too fast among your peer group, then consult an SLP where they help you to overcome your problem and build a wall to your future problems. If you had any recent stroke and having slurred speech, undergoing speech therapy within first 6
months of duration will have neural plasticity which helps in regaining near normal speech production. If you find difficulty in understanding & expressing speech, recalling memories, poor reasoning, poor naming, problem solving, and swallowing.
If there is any problem in your voice according to your gender. An SLP helps in providing information regarding the diagnosis.

When to consult an SLP?

Delay in developmental milestones, delayed speech production, born with high risk, lacking in socialization, having problem in reading, writing, cannot talk clearly, difficulty in producing certain sounds and having poor oral skills.

For Children:

When you find out that your child’s developmental milestones are not age-appropriate like neck control, head turning, crawling, sitting, or standing When your child is having less social skills or does not like to communicate with others.

When your child shows certain behaviors like (having less attention span, concentration, poor eye contact, hyperactive, hurting\hitting own self or others, stubborn, etc…).

When unable to produce certain speech sounds while communicating with each other. When your child is having problem in following simple commands, directions or having limited vocabulary. When your child is having problem in reading or writing.

For Adults :
Stuttering : When you think that your speech is too fast or slow compared to peer group or difficulty in producing certain sounds.

Aphasia : When they is problem in understanding speaker’s speech, recalling old memories, problem solving, poor naming, reasoning, and listening skills.

Voice disorder : When you feel that your Voice is different according to your gender

Resonance disorder : When you find that something is blocking or obstructing regular airflow in oral or nasal cavities while communicating with others.

Dysarthria: Having slow or slurred speech due to weakness or inability to control muscles used for articulating speech or while communicating with each other.

Children and Kids Speech Therapy Services

Speech therapy for kids is very important as they need to improve their communication from the very beginning. A therapist may take the therapy in a classroom or small group, or one-on-one, depending on the speech disorder and will use various speech therapy exercises and activities depending on your child’s disorder, age, and needs. An SLP may use the following during the therapy session

  • To help boost language development, interact through talking and playing, as well as employing books, drawings, and other things as part of a language intervention paradigm.
  • For a child’s age-appropriate sounds and syllables suitable play to educate the child how to make specific sounds
  • Equip the kid and parent or caregiver with techniques and tasks for doing speech therapy at home.

Speech Language Pathology is a rapidly changing discipline, and our therapists are constantly seeking additional credentials, experience, and training in order to deliver the best possible therapy. The following is a list of services offered at Rehaabroots:

  • ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder)
  • ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder)
  • Auditory Processing Disorder
  • Childhood Apraxia of Speech
  • Down Syndrome
  • Fluency Therapy for stuttering
  • Hanen – It Takes Two to Talk and Talk ability
  • Learning Disabilities
  • Lidcombe Program – for children who stutter
  • Neurodevelopmental Delays
  • PECS (- Picture Exchange Communication System)
  • PROMPT (PROMPTS for Restructuring Oral Muscular Phonetic Targets) – for motor speech disorders
  • Sequential Oral Sensory (SOS) Approach to Feeding
  • Social Skills Training including Social Thinking®
  • Speech Sound Disorders
  • Voice Therapy
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At Rehaabroots speech therapy programme provides complete assessment and treatment. If needed, collaboration with other disciplines such as Occupational Therapy, Psychological Counseling, Autism Therapy, Behavioral Therapy, and other therapies is possible. Speech therapists have immense experience and knowledge along with highest of qualifications, that are needed to work with the patients and families closely.

Adult / grown up speech therapies

Adult speech therapy also starts with an assessment to establish your needs and the best treatment options. Adults might benefit from speech therapy exercises to improve their speech, language, and cognitive communication. If swallowing difficulties have been caused by an injury or medical condition such as Parkinson’s disease or oral cancer, therapy may include swallowing retraining function.


Exercises could include:

  • Problem solving, memory, and organising, as well as other cognitive communication activities.
  • To increase social communication, use of various conversational strategies.
  • Breathing exercises to improve resonance and oral muscle strength.


If you want to try speech therapy activities at home, you can use the following resources:

  • Various applications for speech therapy.
  • language development games and toys, such as flip cards and flash cards.
  • Workbooks.

At Rehaabroots we believe that speech therapy for adults is as important as therapy for children, thus the pathologist and therapists at Rehaabroots give equal attention and importance towards adult speech therapy. And thus provide a number of services for their ailment, such as:

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  • ABI (Acquired Brain Injury)
  • Accent Modification or Accent Reduction
  • Aphasia – acquired language disorder
  • Apraxia of Speech
  • Augmentative Communication Devices
  • Cognitive Communication
  • Dysphagia (swallowing disorders)
  • Fluency Therapy
  • LSVT (Lee Silverman Voice Treatment)
  • Public Speaking
  • Voice Therapy

Advantages of speech and language therapy

Speech therapy is frequently viewed as a means of teaching youngsters how to pronounce their speech sounds appropriately. Speech therapy, on the other hand, is much more than just teaching people how to speak!! And it’s not only about teaching kids! Speech therapy can help with a wide range of communication abilities, both oral and written. This specialised therapy can help people create relationships, develop their brains, and improve their general quality of life. Furthermore, speech therapy is not only for children… It can help anyone of any age who is having trouble communicating or interacting with others.

Some more advantages of speech therapy are as follows:

  • Helps child to engage with other children or peer group.
  • Helps to improve communication skills.
  • Helps in reducing secondary behaviors.
  • Helps to reduce severity of the disorder.
  • Improves child’s speech and language skills.
  • Helps in listening to different voices.
  • Helps to know different types of emotions. (Happy, Sad, Anger, Pain, etc,)
  • Helps parents to know completely regarding the disorder.
  • Remedial treatment for a language, articulation, voice, or fluency problem that can have long-term social, scholastic, and vocational consequences.
  • Speech and language evaluation that is comprehensive.
  • Language and literacy skills development, including expressive and receptive.
  • Examine any concerns you have about coughing or choking while eating.
  • Reduce or eliminate pain associated with swallowing.
  • Improve your ability to eat and swallow.
  • Speech and language evaluations that is comprehensive.
  • Developing school preparedness abilities
  • Pre-literacy skills development
  • Vocal quality improvement can be seen
  • Speech that is easy to understand
  • Practical social skills development
  • A higher standard of living
  • Increased self-confidence and self-reliance


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Speech therapy in itself has the ability to increase a person self paramount which is of utmost importance. Speech therapy can help a person improve his or her capacity to use and understand language, communicate with others, and express themselves as fully as possible.

Speech Therapy Assessment

Rehaabroots specializes in speech, language, social, and other communication impairments diagnostics. To begin therapy, the kid will likely need to undergo an official evaluation, which usually comprises completing a standardized assessment.


Then one of the speech therapists from Rehaabroots does a full assessment for speech, language, cognition, swallowing, and feeding issues. Speech (speech sound problems, fluency, and voice) therapy, oral motor skills, language, communication, social interaction, cognitive-communication (memory, organizational skills, and problem-solving), and Dysphagia therapy are all available.


You may be asked to answer questions or fill out written documents or an assessment form about your child before they are sent for an evaluation. It’s possible that you’ll be asked for a description of your child’s:

  • Health history- any significant diseases, operations, accidents, or recurring health issues should be included in your medical history
  • Developmental history- Your child’s developmental history, including the ages at which he or she began doing key things
  • Family – names and ages of siblings and sisters, discussion of family members who may have speech or hearing difficulties, and so on.
  • Speech and language barriers- Your comments regarding your child’s speech and language behaviors, as well as your child’s speech and language behaviors language abilities, as well as any potential problems.
  • School history- What schools has your child attended in the past?
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During your child’s evaluation, the therapist will watch him or her perform various tasks. The clinician will assess your child’s ability to:

  • Understanding and application of various terms
  • Correct application of words in properly formed sentences
  • Application of language for various purposes
  • Speech sound pronounciation.
  • Physical ability to utter words.
  • The sound quality.
  • Speech fluency.

Depending on the child’s unique needs, the evaluation can take up to an hour to complete. The therapist will interview you and go over the documentation you’ve given. You can anticipate that the official and informal evaluation assignments are completed during the session. After the evaluation, you should expect to receive your report within a few days.

Speech Therapy Admission

If your child is found to require speech therapy, our administrative staff will work with you to schedule a one-on-one therapy session for your child. We do our best to accommodate scheduling requests, but please keep in mind that after-school appointments are the most popular. Our objective is to accommodate your schedule so that it is convenient for you and your family.


We can’t say “how long” speech treatment will take in months or years because each child is unique and our therapy plans are tailored to them. Our therapists will present you with as much information as possible to fulfill your needs and to answer any of your queries. In order to give the most effective course of therapy and generalisation of abilities, we offer consultation with other specialists working with your kid.


Discharge: Once the kid is close to mastering their speech goals, the clinician will talk to you about it a few weeks before the expected end date. At the time of release, all recommendations will be communicated with you, and you will have plenty of opportunity to discuss them with the therapist. There is no such thing as a closed door. If you have any concerns after discharge, please contact your therapist by email or phone. During breaks and the summer, we also offer “refresher” courses for individuals who need “boosters” now and again.

Speech Therapy Procedure

When caregivers are able to observe the therapist, children make the most progress in gaining abilities. Within the facility, the child would attend 45-minute daily therapy sessions 6 days a week (excluding public holidays). Our therapists will work with you to set up Monthly/ Quarterly/ Half-Yearly/ Yearly speech objectives based on the programme you are enrolling in. The first 10 therapy sessions are used to create emotional connectivity with your child/children. Long-term By-Nature courses produce the best results and the most improvement. Consider your monthly aim as a first-aid visit to an RMP doctor vs. a year-long therapy course with your family physician. One is a temporary remedy, while the other is responsible for your family’s requirements.

Children make the best success in learning abilities when parents can witness the clinician utilise techniques and carry out tasks, according to research. The transparent therapy setting at Rehaabroots allows parents and family to see the therapy at any moment. 

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Speech Chain :

Speech chain describes the stages that take place while communication or conversation is carried out. In speech chain, exchange of message moves between the mind of the speaker and the mind of the listener. The message spoken by the speaker is communicated by using articulatory structures to produce. Sound is collected by the listener through auditory mechanism into a neural signals that is interpreted to extract the meaning of the utterance and the intention of the communication act.

What is Auditory Verbal Therapy?

Auditory-Verbal Therapy is exclusively given for hearing impaired children to learn how to speak and understand speech, provided by a hearing aid or a cochlear implant

There are four stages in AVT

I. Awareness
II. Discrimination
III. Identification
IV. Comprehension
Stages are interconnected with each other. Goals are taken according to the stages. After completing one stage then later on next stages are taught.

Tips to Improve Speech

Following are some tips to improve speech clarity:

  1. Practice various exercises to Improve Clarity in Speech- Consonants where they shouldn’t be and no consonants where they should be are two of the most common causes of confused speech in young children.
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  • Consonants Where They Shouldn’t- Be Young children have a tendency to swap out the first letter of a word, which can make what they’re saying imprecise and confusing. For example, some children will say “door” instead of “poor.” They may also say “bick” instead of “kick”. This is because numerous consonant sounds have the same mouth movement. The only difference is how we use our throat and tongue muscles to change the sound.
  • Consonants Where They should be- Young children have a tendency to leave out ending consonants of words, which is almost the opposite of the problem described above. As a result, a child may say “Dad” when they really mean “da”. And the word “da” can indicate a lot of other things. The only way to figure out what they’re saying is to look at the context or ask them more questions. This normally stops by the age of two however it can last longer in some cases.
  1. Encourage them to speak slowly and clearly- Children think and notice things at a far higher rate than they can physically express themselves. This can cause individuals to speak excessively quickly, making it difficult (or impossible) to grasp what they’re saying. Encourage your child to talk slowly and clearly. Demonstrate to them that you’re paying attention as well. When children think that the person they’re speaking with isn’t paying attention, they may want to speak more quickly.
  1. Consult with a Speech Therapist- There are a variety of additional factors that could be causing your child’s stuttering, including speech difficulties, muscle concerns, developmental challenges, and so on. Other things you can notice include sound substitutions or even more serious issues such as apraxia.

Speech Pathologist

From toddlers to adults, SLPs work with people of all ages. SLPs help people with a variety of speech and swallowing issues. This includes issues with:

Speech sounds– Speech sounds are the way we say sounds and string them together to form words. Apraxia of speech, dysarthria, articulation and phonological difficulties are other terms for these issues.

Language– Language refers to how well we comprehend what we hear or read, as well as how we utilise words to communicate our thoughts to others. This condition is known as aphasia in adults.

 Literacy– Literacy refers to our ability to read and write. Reading, spelling, and writing may be difficult for those with speech and language difficulties.

Social communication– How well we follow social communication rules, such as taking turns, how to talk to different individuals, and how close we stand to someone when conversing. Pragmatics is another term for this.

Voice– We may get hoarse, easily lose our voices, speak excessively loudly or through our nostrils, or be unable to make sounds.

Fluency– often known as stuttering, is the ease with which speech flows. When someone stutters, they may repeat sounds like t-t-t-table, use the words “um” or “uh,” or pause frequently when speaking. Many young children will stammer at some point, although most will outgrow it.

Cognitive communication– How successfully our minds communicate is referred to as cognitive-communication. Memory, focus, problem solving, organisation, and other thinking skills may be affected.

Feeding and swallowing– How well humans chew, and swallow food and drink is referred to as feeding and swallowing. Poor nutrition, weight loss, and other health issues may result from a swallowing dysfunction. Dysphagia is another name for this condition.

Speech Pathologists can be found at following places:

  • Private practices
  • Physicians’ offices
  • Hospitals
  • Schools
  • Colleges and universities
  • Rehabilitation centers, long-term and residential health care facilities
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Types of Speech Therapies

Some of the therapies that are most commonly used by various pathologists are as follows:

  • Late Talkers’ Speech Therapy- If your baby or toddler should be talking by now but isn’t, a speech therapist may be recommended. The therapist will most likely try a variety of approaches to get your child to speak, including interacting with him. Withholding a favorite toy until a youngster asks for it might sometimes encourage tiny children to speak, although this depends on the situation.

Other forms of communication, such as sign language or image cards, may be introduced to some youngsters. If necessary, speech therapists may recommend your child for additional testing, such as hearing exams.

Speech therapy for kids suffering from Apraxia- Apraxia affects children’s ability to utter particular syllables or make certain sounds. Your child knows exactly what he or she wants to say, but it never seems to come out properly.

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Speech therapists are trained to assess children for apraxia using a variety of tests, including the following:

  1. Oral-motor evaluation to rule out muscle weakness in the jaw, lips, or tongue.
  2. Melody of speech evaluation in which the therapist listens to see if they can correctly stress specific syllables and employ pitch and pauses at the right places in a sentence.
  3. The child’s ability to pronounce vowels, consonants, and sound combinations is determined by a speech sound examination. This includes determining the extent to which others can comprehend the child’s conversational speaking.
  • Stuttering Speech Therapy- Stuttering is an issue that usually appears in childhood but can also appear in adulthood. Stuttering is usually classified as a behavioural issue. Speech therapists will attempt to educate your stuttering child behavioural modification skills, which may help them manage their stuttering. Speaking too quickly can make stuttering worse for some people; therefore teaching them to moderate their rate of speech is a frequent strategy that may be utilised on your child. It can be beneficial to practice communication in a slower, more fluent style. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your respiration.
  • Aphasia Speech Therapy- Aphasia is a condition in which people have trouble speaking as a result of brain injury. Listening, reading, and writing difficulties are all possible symptoms of the illness. Aphasia affects a large number of adults after they have had a stroke. Speech therapists are important in the diagnosis of aphasia because they assess a person’s capacity to understand others, express themselves, and even swallow.

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